Rogue Tyger Show Notes: “Lost & Found”

Rogue TygerIt may sound cliché, but it’s true: our shows are made possible by the continuing support of listeners like you.

If you’re able to help us — as little as a dollar a month helps — we share additional content and goodies via our Patreon site every month (with more bonus content as we get more patrons). Here’s a sample of this month’s entry.

Originally a 30-Episode Season

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the original idea for Rogue Tyger was to have 30-episode seasons, consisting of six five-part serials.

Having six serials matched one of the models for the Rogue Tyger format, that British show with the guy with the blue box. So when I went to writing, I was thinking of some season-long arcs for Aidan Vosky and Reg Macorum that would pay off by the sixth story. At the same time, I knew enough to suspect that we might want a natural spot to give ourselves more time with post-production, so I had the third serial, “Uninvited Guests,” end on what I thought was an appropriate “mid-season cliffhanger,” just in case we needed to use it.

As it turned out, this came in handy as a season cliffhanger.

As it happens, you’ll find the plot does kick into another gear with “Lost and Found,” so it does work well as a whole new season. But looking forward, I am reworking some of the stories and story breaks for what had been a planned four seasons. I’m going to work to make sure there’s some satisfying arcs within a single three-story season (which I think will be easier as the individual episodes will be expanding to fit the half-hour format).

The Writing Process and Interrogating a Robot

You can read the next few notes and more behind-the-scenes extra as one of our Patrons on Patreon.

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