Support Us/Get Involved

We love the work we do here. If you love it too, consider supporting us in any number of ways, including becoming part of the troupe.

As Listeners

Share Our Podcasts!
Whether it’s a friend who loves vintage radio programs from the past, like Gunsmoke or Suspense, a family member who just likes sci-fi or adventure stories, or a colleague who’s looking for something else to listen to on their commute, when you let them know, we gain another listener. That’s huge. Please keep sharing!

Rate and Review
Rating and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podchaser, or wherever you subscribe to your podcasts goes further in helping other listeners find our shows than you may realize. It’s ridiculously helpful.

Buy Some Merch
As of Spring 2024, we have a new store selling all sorts of apparel and other items from all of our shows. All profits go to cover operational costs that keep us on the air, the podfeeds, and making new shows. Also, our plan is to do a special fundraiser before each new show or season with limited edition, specialty items. Make sure you’re signed up for our mailing list to know when that happens.

Back Us Regularly
Last, but certainly not least: supporting us through Patreon, even at just $1 per month helps us tremendously. Like the merch, all the funds raised go directly into paying operational costs for keeping us on the air and producing new works Plus, you get all sorts of goodies yourself, which can include behind-the-scenes details, exclusive full-cast episodes, discounts on the aforementioned merch, and, of course, your name on the Wall of Honor

As Artists

We love working with a lot of the same folks again and again, but we also love working with new people, including some who are working on audio fiction for the first time.

As of 2024, we are doing one major open casting call each year to support that year’s productions. Casting notices will be posted on this website, various audio fiction groups of assorted social media platforms, and via our mailing list.

Note that we are not looking for new shows, scripts, scriptwriters, or composers at this time. However, if you are a fellow audio fiction creator, we’re always happy to chat especially about good online resources of use to the community. You can often find us on those assorted social media platforms!